Thinking is everything. Yes. But what is thinking? Basically and elementarily put, brain activity that results in feelings, behavior and more thinking. Brain activity? The brain is an ocean of cells and neurons. Like everything else, the brain is chemistry in motion. The brain is an organ with hemispheres, sections, components, parts, and each of these individual entities plays a very important role in the overall health of an individual.
Thinking is important, but thinking without emotion is not a happy alternative. The great rational philosophers often concluded that reason should rule all of life. Emotion should be tamed by logic and rationalization. If you made every decision without the slightest hint of emotion, you would likely spend most of your time trying to decide. We need our emotions to make good decisions. However, making decisions without much thought is also dangerous. NFL quarterbacks must make an number of important decisions while avoiding the rush of three hundred pound linemen on the opposing team. The outcome of the game depends on his ability to make successful decisions among many possible choices.
We make better
Education and training is critical to higher functioning individuals. This training includes identifying, owning and managing emotions. Emotions unmanaged may sabotage any rational thinking and calculating abilities. Thus, it is a critical component of any well-managed life. Thinking, feeling and doing. All important. But, thinking is everything. You know what I mean?