By now you realize the principal theme of this blogging effort. Thinking certainly determines a lot of what you might consider your life. The fact is so obvious that we tend to move quickly past it, and into more complicated aspects of living. But, let's get back to basics in this post. Thoughts are your world. So, if you are going to have bright days, you will need bright producing thoughts.
You cannot think positively and feel negatively. You cannot believe and not believe at the same time. We can believe some things and disbelieve other related things. Like for instance, you may believe some things in the Bible, but not everything. You cannot think negatively and feel positively, think good and act bad.
"As a man thinks so is he."
Quit blaming your darkness on something other than your thinking.
Wait a minute. We interrupt this Blog to point out this VERY IMPORTANT TRUTH. There are times when what I just wrote is NOT TRUE. You may be feeling very dark, blue, sad, down and hopeless. You have tried positive mental attitudes and positive cognitive exercises to no avail. There are times when nothing we think can alleviate our darkness and depression. We are clinically depressed and need help. There are times when endogenous depression has us in its grip and we need a pharmaceutical intervention.
Having said that important truth, I will return to the most common manufacturer of misery.....thoughts. Once again, we cannot think crazy and live sanely. We cannot be sober and drunk at the same time. Learn how to think thoughts that produce the kind of life that you want. Be aware of those thoughts that make you miserable, sad, anxious and irritable, and replace them. There is no short cut and no easier way.
The good news is that we actually have such control over how we respond to life and determine, to a large extent, how we feel on a day-to-day basis.
Mastery of Thyself
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
- Edmund Hillary
It is better to conquer yourself
than to win a thousand battles.
Then the victory is y...
1 year ago