Saturday, February 25, 2012

You Could Learn

You Did It Because You Knew How To Do It
You Knew How To Do It Because You Learned How To Do It

 I want to raise the level of your awareness regarding the significance of your thinking process. I want to challenge you to believe that your ability to think and learn empowers you to be and become almost anything you can imagine. Your brain is the organ that produces your thoughts that motivate any behavior, and most of your feelings.  For example, you see your friend standing at your door. You hear your doorbell ringing. You recognize her and rush to open the door. No big deal. Happens all the time. You would not have done anything without (1) Conciousness/being awake (2) Awareness/you heard and saw her and, (3) having some prior experience with her, the door bell sound, walking, moving your arms and hands, opening the door and responding. You learned all that before your friend got to your door. 

                     You Learned How To Do All That, So You Can Learn How To Do Something Else

This little vignette is an example of ordinary, everyday life and it is so important. Focus on the importance of learning. You knew something about all those things mentioned above because you were taught prior to the experience. Since this event was made possible because of your prior learning, perhaps you could think of other things that you would like to experience in your life and learn how to do that too. In other words, maybe you could become more than you are. 

                 You Could Learn To Be More Competent, Happier and More In Control

For example, you could learn how to be a person who is serene and calm throughout the day. You could learn how to deal successfully with feeling of anxiety and fear. You could learn how to be a more competent parent, husband, wife, friend, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddist or whatever. Remember that you learned how to speak English, or Spanish, or French, or whatever your spoken language might be. So, use the same principle to make changes in yourself and your life. Yes, you will have to study and take tests.

Don't just sit there, learn something. Most people are not stupid, they are ignorant (have no knowledge) of information that could or would change their life. Jesus said, "Forgive them for they know not what they do". You are living your life the way you learned to live it. Your teachers in your home, at school, in McDonalds, on the playground, in your group, on TV, on computer , and in books, taught you how to live. 
                                                Your Brain Is Your Organ of Consciousness

The brain causes consciousness. Consciousness may refer to awareness, or simply being alive. You can be conscious without being aware, but you cannot be aware without being conscious.  You can be conscious without knowing anything, such as when you were a newborn infant. You were alive and awake without being conscious of either. Some with traumatic brain injury are alive, and even conscious, without having language or memory to know anything. They may see you and even partially recognize you, without any ability to identify you. They have to be taught all over again.

                                         Your Brain is Your Center For Lifelong Learning

Life is an educational process. Your healthy brain is constantly recording your activity, thoughts, feelings, and consequences of every thought, feeling and behavior. You may, or may not, be conscious (aware) of what you are thinking, feeling, and doing. The idea of mindfulness captures the essence of this state of being. You can be mindful most of the time, if you learn how to be.

Learning is the process you go through to bring information into your brain, interpret the information through prior learning, classify it for reaction or response purposes and send it to the recall center. There are different ways of thinking about everything. While examining old ideas, you might discover some that were taught as true, real, and right, are not. Thinking your own truth is important and possible. Making a decision to learn how to think about something, to do something, and to be something,  is within your power right now. Why not make a list of things you wonder about, things you would like to know how to do or do better, things you would like to understand better, and let that be your curriculum for further education.  You brain in the "Center for LifeLong Learning".

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