As rain creates gullies and rivets through a mound of dirt, so thoughts have a "pattern". All it takes is one thought (positive or negative) to create an upward accent into a positive attitude or a downward spiral into negatively. Why? Because thoughts are learned in patterns, like a mathematical equation.
If you are walking through the forest. Suddenly, you hear what sounds like a rattle coming from the ground.Your first thought is important because it will led to other important thoughts. Something along these lines....(1) That is a rattle sound (2) rattle snake? (3) where? (4) bite! (5) die! (6) %$#@(&!!!! (7) Jump (8) Run.If those thoughts are close to what you would think if you heard a rattle while walking in the forest, it is safe to say that you learned to think that way from others, from reading, from watching movies or from personal experience. We learn how to think. Our thinking is often logical and reasonable.
But, not always. Sometimes, yes quite often, our thinking is simply there. No reason. No logic. Just a thought that leads to another thought, to another thought, that creates a mood, either positive or negative. How is it that some individuals seem to be negative every moment of the day, no matter what the circumstances? How is it that some individuals seem to have happiness, more positive energy, no matter what the circumstances of the day. "I have learned in whatever state that I am in therein to be content." (Paul in the New Testament). Fairly positive, I would say.
Mood is emotion. Emotion is a result of thinking. Thinking is learned. (see Paul quite above). So, one positive thought tends to led to another one of the same gender. Likewise, a negative thought tends to look for other negative thoughts. The goal? A mood. Either positive or negative. Remember, you create your world because you create your thoughts. If you are a positive or negative person, give yourself responsibility for that personality trait. If you are in a positive mood, that's's your creation.
Positive and negative moods carry a lot of energy. Energy is used to move things around. A mood inventory will generally reveal which mood is our dominant mood and why. It always has to do with our education, i.e. the way we were taught to think AND which mood seems to work best for us in terms of getting things moved around the way we want them. Example: Some children have learned if they throw a temper tantrum they can usually get what they want. See what I mean? NEXT: "Your Dominant Mood and Why"