Hi. I'm Bill and I'm a blogger. Yes, I blog. After I decided that I wanted to blog I was awaken in the wee hours of the morning by my Superego. That's what Freud called the conscience and Byrn called the inner parent. Flip Wilson called it "de Devil!" I call it the Pathological Critic.
This voice (not audible,of course) is a real turd sometimes. It will tell you all sorts of things that turn your perfectly great day, or night, into a stumbling, fumbling, tossing, turning night or day of self-hate and guilt. The Pathological Critic will criticize every thing about you. "You look horrible. You sound like an idiot. Nobody in their right mind would like you--much less love you. You don't actually think they are going to pick you do you? She hates you. He loathes you. You never win. You are the most unlucky person. How could you think, say, do such a thing? People will be talking about your stupidity for years to come." Everyone, to some degree, has one of these inner loudmouth critics. One of my patients said, "I don't have a Pathological Critic, I have a Pathological Group."
While I was considering the possibility of blogging my inner critic told me that writing a blog would be vain and arrogant. To think that I actually had something to say that was worthwhile and beneficial was ridiculous, he said.
I have heard this terroriser for so many years. I know what he sounds like. And, I also know how to respond. "SHUT UP!!!!!!" I also have gotten very good at not only catching the critic lecturing me or preaching his words of shame and discouragement, I also know how to argue with him. "I am not vain and arrogant. But, so what if I am. A little vanity and arrogance adds spice to life. I would rather be vain and arrogant than guilt ridden and hating myself."
The Pathological Critic is an enemy of self-worth. Remember self-image is how you see yourself. Self-esteem is how you feel about what you see. Self-worth is how you value what you see. If we are going to live happy, content and self-actualized lives, we need to be aware of our inner critic. This critic is not to be confused with our sense of right and wrong, our morality. No, this is our Pathological (sick, crazy) Critic. That inner negative voice that talks crazy about us, to us. Catch the Critic and get good at disputing his/her/their lies.You will be a lot happier when you do. Later.
Don't forget to check out a couple of great blogs that I follow.
Mastery of Thyself
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
- Edmund Hillary
It is better to conquer yourself
than to win a thousand battles.
Then the victory is y...
1 year ago