"I can't help what I feel" she lamented. "My husband is uncaring, malicious and he torments me!" My patient was hurting. She was angry, frustrated and frightened. Her husband was everything she said he was and more. However, one thing that was not true about what she said was her belief that she could not help what she felt.
First Line Thinking (FLT) is thinking that arises out of "initial raw data" that the senses have provided. The eyes see, the nose smells, the ears hear, the tongue tastes and the hands feel. This data forms in the brain and we think about it. The facts are seen, smelled, heard, tasted and felt. A snake is seen or heard. The brain creates the raw data. The eyes are the light gathering, image gathering instruments but without a functional brain, there is no sight. There is no emotion, no behavior related to the raw data. However, once the snake data enters the presentation area, and SLT thinking gets into the mix, we might have any number of reactions to the raw data. For example, once the data got to my presentation field in my brain and my SLT took over my reaction to the snake would be immediate, forceful, emotionally loaded and quite decisive.
Second Line Thinking (SLT) is interpretive thinking. Raw data is given meaning, perspective is applied and belief systems, opinions, fund of knowledge and past experiences come into play. SLT is productive. Emotional and behavioral responses arise out of SLT. Raw data is rarely disputed. The senses are generally reliable although not completely trustworthy. Therefore, situations remain the same, facts remain facts and circumstances stay put. One may check and recheck the raw data making sure the data presentation in the brain, the FLT material, is correct. Sometimes clarifiying data or collaborative information does change the raw data presentation.
More often than not, however, circumstances and raw data does not change. Second Line Thinking can and often does change. How many times have we said or heard it said, "After further thought, I have decided to change my position on the matter." Belief systems can be altered, perspectives can change and opinions can be dropped or reversed. If we are not satisfied with some fact of our life, we can look more closely at our SLT. We can work to change our perspective, opinion or beliefs about certain data. "Is there another way of looking at the situation?"
Second Line Thinking is "to blame" for our behaviors and emotions. The circumstances, the raw data does not have to be altered for feelings and behaviors to change. SLT is the culprit. SLT is to be viewed as responsible for our life and we are responsible for our SLT. Someone has said, "We do not see the world as it is, we see the world as we are." This is true. Taking responsibility for our First and Second Line Thinking means we are out of the blame game and self-pity parties. We are empowered by this responsibility. We can change our life. We do not have to wait for others to change or the situation to change before we find relief. There is hope in Second Line Thinking.
Mastery of Thyself
It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
- Edmund Hillary
It is better to conquer yourself
than to win a thousand battles.
Then the victory is y...
1 year ago